A view of my environment while editing this very article

My daily workflow and tools

As this is my first actual post I thought I’d write about something I’m a big fun of, tooling. More specifically I want to describe my workflow when working or in general when using my machine. My general goal is to be productive in my day-to-day routine, and automate everything that can actually be automated so that I can focus on the higher-level tasks I’m interested in. I admit that sometimes I’m overdoing it and automate a task that I don’t actually have to but all in all I think this attitude has helped me considerably so far....

May 18, 2019 · 7 min · bergercookie

Hello world!

Hey people, this is the first post in my attempt of a proper Jekyll blog. Throughout the, not that frequent, posts of mine, I’ll be writing about interesting technical stuff; These would be C++, Python, Vim, robotics, Linux (yes, that broad 😊 ) Off we go!

April 11, 2017 · 1 min · bergercookie