Definition: The science/art of programming computers so that they can learn from data
Popular ML Algorithms
- Linear & Polynomial Regression
- Logistic Regression
- k-nearest Neighbors
- Support Vector machines
- Decision Trees
- Random Forests
- Ensemble methods
Neural Networks Architectures
- Feedforward Neural Nets
- Convolutional Nets
- Recurrent Nets
- Long short-term memory (LSTM) nets
- Autoencoders
- Multi-Layer Perceptons (MLPs)
Famous Papers
- Machine Learning on handwritten digits - 2006 - <>
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data - 2009
Useful links - resources
- Competitions
- Datasets
- Kernels
- OpenAI Gym
- For reinforcement learning
- scikit-learn user guide
- Dataquest -
- deep learning website -
- Imperial College Course
- Machine Learning - The Complete Guide
Hands-On Machine Learning Book
For the DL part see [Deep Learning]
Pandas / Sklearn / Numpy / Scipy Cheatsheet
โ statistics about each column (count, mean, min, max 25% 50% etc.)
โ info about dataframe (dtype index, column dtypes, not-null values, memory usage)
โ get all the values encountered in the column
โ Compute standard correlation coefficient for potential linear correlations
from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix
scatter_matrix(dt, figsize=(12,8))
Apply a function to a dataframe: either dt.apply
or dt.where(... , inplace=True)
Use the viridis color palette: color-blind-friendly and prints better on greyscale!
SkLearn - fill missing values in a dataset:
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
imputer = Imputer(strategy="median") # dt must have numerical values only
- Get rid of corresponding districts
- Get rid of the whole attribute
- Set the values to some value (zero, mean, median, etc.)
Pandas/SkLearn: Convert a string column/category to nums
dt_encoded, dt_categories = dt.factorize()
# OR Use One-Hot Encoding - each string in the string category becomes a
# separate attribute
Get Numpy dense array from Scipy sparse matrix: sparse_mat.toarray()
Feature Scaling
Machine Learning algorithms don’t perform well when the input numerical attributes have very different scales.
- min-max scaling / normalization
- standardization
Attribute: A data type (e.g., Mileage) Feature: Attribute + its value
Deep Neural Network
LTU: Neuron, a Sum using weights -> z = w1x1 + w2x2 + … + wnxn (w^Tx), gives out a step function -> e.g., Heaviside
Perceptron -> single Layer of LTUs, Each neuron is connected to all input. The
enuron’s are also fed an extra bias feature x0 = 1 (bias neuron
Passthrough Input Layer
: Inputs are represented by neurons that just
propagate the input to the output
Activation function (activation_fn
): The function that evaluates the neuron
inputs and dicides on the triggering of the neuron
ReLU or Rectifier or Ramp
-> max(0, z)
Hint: The derivative of ReLU is the Heaviside
and of the SmoothReLU the
logistic function
Deep Learning Theorems
Any two optimization algorithms are equivalent when their performance is averaged across all possible problems
- How do I tune the hyperparameters of my model?
- Grid search with cross-validation to find the right hyperparameters
- Randomised search
- Use Oscar -
- It helps to have an idea of what values are reasonable for each hyperparameter!