
TL;DR: Quite an easy book to read. Should take you ~2hrs and give you small hints on how to achieve your goals, hopefully.

For instance, if you have lost 5 pounds, then instead of treating yourself to a piece of cheesecake, you could buy a dress that shows off your new, slimmer figure. In so doing, you will definitely motivate yourself not to give up on your goal

Stabilize the Glucose Concentration in Your Body

For instance, if you are disciplining yourself to stop smoking, you could stop meeting your smoking buddies (people with whom you smoke frequently) for awhile until you have gained complete restraint, or you could stop visiting the spots where you smoked frequently

Another helpful technique for overcoming a temptation is to envision yourself resisting it. For instance, if you want to control your intake of sugary treats, you could visualize yourself picking up a candy bar, enjoying its aroma, and then putting it away. Do it several times until you feel confident you’ll do the same when a real candy bar actually appears in front of you. This method can help you to gain control over your emotions since these tend to be very volatile whenever you are faced by a temptation.

Giving too much thought to whatever is tempting you can make it pretty hard for you to overcome it. Don’t think too much about how much you are missing out when you don’t succumb to your temptations. Instead, you need to distract yourself as a way of ensuring you don’t put too much focus on the temptation and what you are missing.

Do Not Wait to Feel like It, Dump All Your Excuses