
Nikos Koukis
London - United Kingdom

I am a passionate Robotics/SLAM Engineer based in London. I love writing code and especially when that code comes into life in actual robots and real-life applications.

Professional Experience

05/2019 -
Robotics Product Engineer - SLAMcore
01/2019 - 05/2019
Robotics Engineer - SLAMcore
09/2017 - 01/2019

Junior Robotics Engineer - SLAMcore

I work as a robotics product engineer at SLAMcore. We strive to provide robust and accurate SLAM solutions in Robotics. During my time there I have lead the integration and deployment of our software on multiple robotic platforms, and I have also worked in areas like sensor calibration, autonomous navigation, SLAM algorithms development, continuous integration as well as overall product development and deployment

02/2021 - 07/2021

Software Developer - Hellenic Army (KEPYES)

As part of my mandatory military service I maintained and implemented new features in large-scale Java and OracleSQL-based server applications. I also was the primary maintainer of legacy Linux-based servers essential for production apps. Create documentation and usage instructions for core components and tools including SVN, Git and Linux.

2017, 2018
Mentor at Google Summer of Code (GSoC) with MRPT

Student at Google Summer of Code (GSoC) with MRPT

Developed an open source implementation of the pose-graphSLAM algorithm with loop closure capabilities (Project link)

Technical Experience

MRPT 2016 -

Core contributor at Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT)

MRPT is a open source robotics framework specialized in SLAM and mobile robot applications with over 300+ cites in Google Scholar, 40k+ downloads.

I am the author and maintainer of the single and multi-robot implementations of mrpt-graphslam:


Very experienced using modern C++ (11, 14, 17 standards) and in working with popular mathematical / computer vision and robotics libraries such as OpenCV, Eigen, MRPT, OpenGV. I have also extensively developed applications in ROS, ROS2 and have used the Gazebo and V-REP robotic simulators.

Sample projects: MRPT, mrpt_slam, robot-concepts


Expert in using either Python2 or Python3 and with using standard modules such as Numpy, Scipy, Pandas. Good knowledge of module such as argparse, click, pyyaml, mechanize. Decent knowledge of scikit-learn, Tensorflow.

Sample projects: taskw_gcal_sync, awesome_albert_plugins, mendeley2calibre, Pump3000

Implemented the vim-debugstring plugin for printf-like debugging in a variety of programming languages.
I have been experimenting with Robotics/SLAM-related projects in the Rust programming language.

Docker/Docker-compose, Make, Bash, Modern CMake, Git, Sed/Grep/Awk
C, Fortran, Matlab
Haskell, Awk, Java, Ansible, Django, Grafana

MRPT, ROS, ROS2, Gazebo, V-REP, Matlab, Fusion360, Solidworks, Grafana


2011 - 2017

5yr Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
National Technical University of Athens (Athens, Greece)

Master Thesis: Design and Development of Single and Multi-Robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Algorithms



KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)

I studied for a semester in the department of Engineering Science where I undertook projects in advanced control theory, digital control, optimal control, and embedded systems for applications in robotics and aircraft control systems

2013 -
Coursera/Udacity/EdX courses
I have successfully completed more than 10 courses in various MOOC platforms including Udacity - Artificial Intelligence for Robotics, Udacity - Control of Mobile Robots, Coursera - Computer Networks.


  • Penetration Testing Enthusiast
  • Languages:

    • Greek (native speaker)
    • English
    • German (basic)
    • Spanish (basic)
  • 2014: 4th place in EBEC competition final round
  • 2004: Avlonarion chess tournament champion