Getting Started ========================================================= There are 2 ways of running the XP3000 GUI: - Running the *Pump3000.exe* [Windows only] - Running *from source* [Python required] Either way the user must first download the necessary files for the software, located at This can be done either by downloading the project locally from the github page or by cloning the project The user can **download the software** by visiting the github page: and then pressing the *Download Zip* button .. _downloading: .. figure:: ../Images/downloading.png :align: center Downloading the software Alternatively the user can **clone** the project. In order to do that he must first make sure that git is installed on the platform. If it isn't then installing it requires issuing:: sudo apt-get install git "for Linux users - command-line sudo port install git "MacOS users - command-line Then in order to clone the project the user can run the git clone command:: git clone For windows users, the desktop version of Github is suggested: